Friday, November 4, 2011

101 斑点狗 - 谁说买名种狗不会咬人, 谁说买蓝酬股不会亏钱?

1996 年盛行着一套关于101 只斑点狗的英语片, 名为 101 Dalmatians.
故事是讲述一位变态的女人专门抓斑点狗, 然后把小狗杀害并取小狗的毛.
不过, 后来, 被抓的 101 只小狗最终攻击回那变态的女人并成功逃生.

现实生活里, 也有类似的公司, 虽然与杀害狗狗无关, 但名字就有点像, 其做法也差不多一样, 专门把公司的现金洒海 (杀害), 浪费小股东的血汗钱. 分析家说公司只是浪费少少钱, 微不足道, 不必挂齿, 皮毛小事一桩, 是不是很像取狗毛那么小事而已呢?

这间公司就叫做 IOI 集(IOI Corp).

先来看看公司是如何浪费钱, 再来谈谈分析家说的少少钱是多么的少.

2008 8 月, 公司宣布它将用 RM586.7 Millions 来收购吉隆坡的 Menara Citibank, 还给了抵押金 RM73.4 Millions


此大楼的购买能让公司赚取租金. 大楼就位于首都的市中心, 交通系统都很完善. 而且此大楼也享有近 100% 的出租率, 其中的租客都是跨国公司企业. 除此之外, 公司在它的报表也补充说, 此 50 层楼的大厦维修保养得非常好, 保安设施也很完善, 比起周围环境的大厦都较为优秀.

这样的报表, 任何一位股东看了, 都会满意, 都会觉得公司有远见, 办事能力棒!

怎知, 三个月后, 11 27 日, 公司就宣布它决定放弃购买大楼的计划, 并愿意把抵押金报废.

"However, due to the recent sudden adverse developments in the global economic environment which have spread to this region and impacted negatively on business sentiments, the Company has, after due and careful deliberations, decided that it would be in the overall best interests of the Company and its shareholders not to proceed with the Proposed Acquisition."
噢, 原来因为国际金融海潚所以不买了. 宁愿浪费"少少"钱, 也不愿浪费以后可能会浪费的未来钱. 但是, 国际金融海潚有影响此大楼享有近 100% 的出租率? 不是讲过, 此 50 层楼的大厦维
修保养得非常好, 保安设施也很完善, 比起周围环境的大厦都较为优秀吗?

如果真的比起周围环境的大厦都较为优秀, 应该没问题租出去吧!!

哎呀, 做嗼酱久了的事还拿来写?

公司又再从施旧计, 把公司的现金洒海 (杀害), 又再浪费小股东的血汗钱.

2011 年 10 月 25 日, 公司宣布, 回顾公司在 2011 年 7 月 28 日的协议书, 给予一些条例没有被遵从, 公司已决定不购买当初决定要购买, 价值 RM 830 Millions 的油棕种植地, 并可能把抵押金 RM83 Millions 报废.

Reference is made to the Company's announcement on 28 July 2011 pertaining to the sale and purchase agreement ("SPA") entered into between Sri Mayvin Plantation Sdn Bhd ("Sri Mayvin"), an indirect wholly-owned susidiary of the Company with Pertama Land & Development Sdn Bhd ("Pertama Land"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Duta Plantations Berhad ("DutaLand") to acquire 11,977.91 hectares (or equivalent to 29,597.42 acres) of oil palm plantation land ("Plantation Land"), for a total cash consideration of RM830 million ("Proposed Acquisition").
The Company wishes to announce that Sri Mayvin had on 25 October 2011 issed a notice to Pertama Land to terminate the SPA due to non-compliance of certain terms and conditions which had been communicated to Pertama Land. Under the provision of the SPA the rights and obligations of the parties shall lapse and be of no further effect from the date of termination notice, save and except that OSK Trustees Berhad, being the stakeholder shall within a period of seven (7) days from the notice of termination refund to Sri Mayvin the deposit of RM83 million which is equivalent of 10% of the purchase consideration and interest accrued thereon.
2008 年浪费 RM73.4 Millions 还不够?
2011 年又再浪费 RM83 Millions?

可笑的是, 当分析家被问及此事的看法时, 他们敢胆说, IOI 集团一年可以赚 RM2-3 Billions, 所以亏个几 Millions 并不是很多, 没多大的影响...
看看分析家怎么说 - Business Times

么大的企业, 所谓的蓝酬股, 买卖交易那么儿戏?

当董事被询问及公司所谓的一些条例没有被遵从, 到底是怎么一回事时, 只交代说, 地皮没有照例的被照顾维持, 地锲的资料不完整且有出入, 及卖主的诚信有问题.
1. Adherence to the obligation for the continued upkeeping/ maintenance of the properties in accordance with accepted agronomic practices;
2. Discrepancies in the particulars relating to the properties; and
3. Integrity of the title of Pertama Land in relation to one of the properties.
这些不是应该在签合同前就要搞清楚, 查明白的咩?
酱子浪费公司的钱, 又没给股东一个较合理的解释, 怎么讲得过去?

呐, IOI 集团可不可以来跟我交易, 来买我的屋子, 给我抵押金, 然后, 一两个月后, 你再用一样的理由取消合同, 接着报废你的抵押金, ok???

像那 101 只斑点狗最终攻击回那变态的女人, 我也希望会有 101 位股东出来抗议并把无能的董事长推翻!!!

谁说买名种狗不会咬人, 谁说买蓝酬股不会亏钱?

1 comment:

  1. 我们有时也会因为受不住诱惑而买错东西,那也不过是造成个人的小破财而已。
